DIRT/µ–Automated extraction of root hair traits using combinatorial optimization
P Pietrzyk, N Phan-Udom, C Chutoe, L Pingault, A Roy, ..., A Bucksch
2024 |
Non-destructive underground fiber Bragg grating sensing system with ResNet prediction for root phenotyping
S Binder, K Hossain, A Bucksch, M Fok
2024 |
The soil microbiome modulates the sorghum root metabolome and cellular traits with a concomitant reduction of Striga infection
D Kawa, B Thiombiano, MZ Shimels, T Taylor, A Walmsley, HE Vahldick, ...
2024 |
The genomic basis of nitrogen utilization efficiency and trait plasticity to improve nutrient stress tolerance in cultivated sunflower
AA Temme, KL Kerr, KM Nolting, EL Dittmar, RR Masalia, AK Bucksch, ...
2024 |
CyVerse: Cyberinfrastructure for open science
TL Swetnam, PB Antin, R Bartelme, A Bucksch, D Camhy, G Chism, I Choi, ...
2024 |
Fiber Bragg grating based sensing system for non-destructive root phenotyping using ResNet prediction
S Binder, K Hossain, A Bucksch, M Fok
2024 |
Increasing racial diversity in the North American Plant Phenotyping Network through conference participation support
D LeBauer, A Bucksch, J Clarke, J Potts, S Roy
2023 |
Three‐dimensional phenotyping of peach tree‐crown architecture utilizing terrestrial laser scanning
J Knapp‐Wilson, R Bohn Reckziegel, S Thapa Magar, A Bucksch, ...
2023 |
Comparison of open‐source three‐dimensional reconstruction pipelines for maize‐root phenotyping
S Liu, WP Bonelli, P Pietrzyk, A Bucksch
2023 |
Inclusive collaboration across plant physiology and genomics: Now is the time!
IPS Consortium
2023 |
OPEN leaf: an open-source cloud-based phenotyping system for tracking dynamic changes at leaf-specific resolution in Arabidopsis
A Bucksch, DG Mendoza-Cozatl
2023 |
Innovative use of imaging techniques within plant science
G Egea, A Bucksch, LG Thygesen
2022 |
3D Phenotyping and Quantitative Analysis of Peach Tree Architecture via Terrestrial Laser Scanning
J Knapp-Wilson, RB Reckziegel, A Bucksch, DJ Chavez
2022 |
Groundwater Level Remote Monitoring Using Optical Power Measurement in Fiber Bragg Grating
S Binder, M Yang, V Qiu, A Bucksch, M Fok
2022 |
Root angle in maize influences nitrogen capture and is regulated by calcineurin B‐like protein (CBL)‐interacting serine/threonine‐protein kinase 15 (ZmCIPK15)
HM Schneider, VSN Lor, MT Hanlon, A Perkins, SM Kaeppler, AN Borkar, ...
2022 |
Characterization of growth and development of sorghum genotypes with differential susceptibility to Striga hermonthica
D Kawa, T Taylor, B Thiombiano, Z Musa, HE Vahldick, A Walmsley, ...
2021 |
Root hairs vs. trichomes: Not everyone is straight!
A Roy, A Bucksch
2021 |
Imaging and quantitative analysis of peach tree branching index via Treeqsm
J Knapp-Wilson, RB Reckziegel, A Bucksch, D Chavez
2021 |
Overcoming the challenges to enhancing experimental plant biology with computational modeling
R Dale, S Oswald, A Jalihal, MF Laporte, DM Fletcher, A Hubbard, ...
2021 |
DIRT/3D: 3D root phenotyping for field grown maize (Zea mays)
S Liu, C Barrow, MT Hanlon, J Lynch, A Bucksch
2021 |
Canopy Roughness: A New Phenotypic Trait to Estimate Aboveground Biomass from Unmanned Aerial System
M Herrero-Huerta, A Bucksch, E Puttonen, KM Rainey
2020 |
Image‐based root phenotyping links root architecture to micronutrient concentration in cassava
N Busener, J Kengkanna, PJ Saengwilai, A Bucksch
2020 |
From lab to field: Open tools facilitating the translation of maize root traits
J Salungyu, S Thaitad, A Bucksch, J Kengkanna, PJ Saengwilai
2020 |
Architectural and anatomical responses of maize roots to agronomic practices in a semi‐arid environment
A Zhan, J Liu, S Yue, X Chen, S Li, A Bucksch
2019 |
Phenotypic variation of cassava root traits and their responses to drought
J Kengkanna, P Jakaew, S Amawan, N Busener, A Bucksch, ...
2019 |
Optical approaches to capture plant dynamics in time, space, and across scales
E Puttonen, A Bucksch, A Zlinszky, N Pfeifer
2018 |
2018 |
Comparing phenotypic variation of root traits in Thai rice (Oryza sativa L.) across growing systems
P Saengwilai, S Klinsawang, M Sangachart, A Bucksch
2018 |
The next generation of training for Arabidopsis researchers: Bioinformatics and quantitative biology
J Friesner, SM Assmann, R Bastow, J Bailey-Serres, J Beynon, V Brendel, ...
2017 |
Morphological plant modeling: Unleashing geometric and topologic potential within the plant sciences
A Bucksch, A Atta-Boateng, AF Azihou, D Battogtokh, A Baumgartner, ...
2017 |
Reshaping plant biology: qualitative and quantitative descriptors for plant morphology
M Balduzzi, BM Binder, A Bucksch, C Chang, L Hong, AS Iyer-Pascuzzi, ...
2017 |
Overcoming the law of the hidden in cyberinfrastructures
A Bucksch, A Das, H Schneider, N Merchant, JS Weitz
2017 |
Genome-wide association mapping and agronomic impact of cowpea root architecture
JD Burridge, HM Schneider, BL Huynh, PA Roberts, A Bucksch, JP Lynch
2017 |
Legume shovelomics: high—throughput phenotyping of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata subsp, unguiculata) root architecture in the field
J Burridge, CN Jochua, A Bucksch, JP Lynch
2016 |
Digital imaging of root traits (DIRT): a high-throughput computing and collaboration platform for field-based root phenomics
A Das, H Schneider, J Burridge, AK Martinez Ascanio, T Wojciechowski, ...
2015 |
ClearedLeavesDB: an online database of cleared plant leaf images
A Das, A Bucksch, CA Price, JS Weitz
2014 |
Image-based high-throughput field phenotyping of crop roots
A Bucksch, J Burridge, LM York, A Das, E Nord, JS Weitz, JP Lynch
2014 |
A practical introduction to skeletons for the plant sciences
A Bucksch
2014 |
Breast Height Diameter Estimation From High-Density Airborne LiDAR Data
A Bucksch, R Lindenbergh, MZ Abd Rahman, M Menenti
2014 |
The Fiber Walk: A Model of Tip-Driven Growth with Lateral Expansion
A Bucksch, G Turk, JS Weitz
2014 |
High density airborne LiDAR estimation of distrupted trees induced by landslides
KA Razak, A Bucksch, M Straatsma, CJ Van Westen, RA Bakar, ...
2013 |
3D phenotyping and quantitative trait locus mapping identify core regions of the rice genome controlling root architecture
CN Topp, AS Iyer-Pascuzzi, JT Anderson, CR Lee, PR Zurek, ...
2013 |
Localized Registration of Point Clouds of Botanic Trees
A Bucksch, K Khoshelham
2013 |
GiA Roots: software for the high throughput analysis of plant root system architecture
T Galkovskyi, Y Mileyko, A Bucksch, B Moore, O Symonova, CA Price, ...
2012 |
Characterizing tree growth anomaly induced by landslides using LiDAR
KA Razak, A Bucksch, M Damen, C van Westen, M Straatsma
2011 |
Automated detection of branch dimensions in woody skeletons of fruit tree canopies
A Bucksch, S Fleck
2011 |
SkelTre: Robust skeleton extraction from imperfect point clouds
A Bucksch, R Lindenbergh, M Menenti
2010 |
Woody biovolume extraction from laser scanned trees
A Bucksch, S Fleck, S Rumpf, P Rademacher
2010 |
Applications for point cloud skeletonizations in forestry and agriculture
A Bucksch, R Lindenbergh, M Menenti
2009 |
Three-dimensional laser imaging as a valuable tool for specifying changes in breast shape after augmentation mammaplasty
DL Esme, A Bucksch, WH Beekman
2009 |
A new method for individual tree delineation and undergrowth removal from high resolution airborne LiDAR
MZA Rahman, BGH Gorte, AK Bucksch
2009 |
Structural monitoring of tunnels using terrestrial laser scanning
R Lindenbergh, L Uchanski, A Bucksch, R Van Gosliga
2009 |
CAMPINO—A skeletonization method for point cloud processing
A Bucksch, R Lindenbergh
2008 |
Error budget of terrestrial laser scanning: influence of the incidence angle on the scan quality
S Soudarissanane, J Van Ree, A Bucksch, R Lindenbergh
2007 |
Combining modern techniques for urban 3D modelling
G Pop, A Bucksch
2007 |
Error budget of Terrestrial Laserscanning: Influence of the intensity remission on the scan quality
A Bucksch, R Lindenbergh, J Van Ree
2007 |
3D building modelling based on a combination of techniques and methodologies
G Manea, AK Bucksch, BGH Gorte
2007 |
Combining modern techniques for urban 3D modelling
G Manea, AK Bucksch
2007 |
Skeletonization and segmentation of point clouds using octrees and graph theory
A Bucksch, H Appel van Wageningen
2006 |