Alan Cervates
Postdoctoral Researcher
Originally from Mexico, he received his PhD from the Center of Research and Advanced Studies (CINVESTAV) in Irapuato, Mexico. His research was focused on studying the genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of plant genome compaction using molecular biology and genomics. He then pursued a postdoctoral position in plant single-cell genomics in Marc Libault's lab at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, aiming to explore gene expression at the cellular level in plant legumes. His growing interest in plant legumes and phenomics led him to another postdoc here at the University of Arizona with Alexander Bucksch, where he is working on integrating transcriptomics and phenomics to unravel the genetic basis of root cooperation in plants. Looking ahead, he is particularly interested on developing integrative approaches to study plant adaptation to harsh environments across different scales from the plant cells to the field.
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