Ph.D. Student
A native-born Tucsonan, Jordan Knapp-Wilson began his education as a student at UArizona, graduating May 2019 with a Bachelor of Science in Molecular & Cellular Biology and a Bachelor of Agriculture and Life Sciences in Plant Sciences. Jordan worked in a wet molecular biology lab (Mark Beilstein Lab) while working on his undergraduate degree and completed a summer internship with UArizona faculty Dr. Duke Pauli. During this summer internship, Jordan developed a passion for plant breeding, as well as a keen interest in high-throughput plant phenotyping (HTPP) and phenomics.
Jordan is now a PhD candidate and researcher at the University of Georgia (UGA), working within the Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics, and Genomics. A previous NAPB Borlaug 2019 Scholarship Award winner, Jordan is currently working on utilizing terrestrial LiDAR technology to generate point cloud data of tree architecture in peaches. His goal is to further the advancement of HTPP, now with a focus on 3D computational modelling to better help growers and researchers implement automation for peach production in the near future. Jordan is proud to be a student in Dr. Dario Chavez's Peach Lab and Dr. Alex Bucksch's Computational Plant Science Lab (now at UArizona, his alma mater).
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